I bought the Saga v2 Crusader Army book recently and this
was the first outing for my 28mm Teutonics and Prussian Pagans that I
previously used with Lion Rampant rules. Ian and I played the basic ‘Clash of
Warlords’ scenario with Ian randomly getting control of the Teutonic knights. I
use a randomised method to generate 6 point armies. Ian had 3 points of Knights
and 3 points of Sergeant Spearmen and Crossbowmen, significantly he had no
Levy. I had a single unit of Hearthguard, 4 points of Warriors and 1 of Levy.
The terrain set-up for the scenario seems to me to be a bit
restrictive; the Pagans want a densely packed table with lots of woods etc.
whereas the Teutonics want an open battlefield. As a result Ian ‘passed’ a.s.a.p.,
so the maximum number of difficult terrain pieces I could place was 3! Anyway,
the game proceeded and the Teutonics massacred my poor Pagans (Ian won by 6
The main points of note were: Ian organised an 8 strong unit
of Knights which were a worry to me throughout the game, but actually only
destroyed a small unit of my Levy bowmen. Ian’s lack of Levy troops meant his
ability to ‘sacrifice’ troops to enhance his more valuable units was not a major
factor, but when he did use this, it cost him a valuable sergeant figures. I repeatedly
used my ability to force one of Ian’s units to either move towards a base edge
or take a fatigue (very useful). The Teutonic crossbows proved effective,
especially because I did not have the terrain cover to shelter me. The lack of
terrain also prevented me ‘shifting’ my small units around the battlefield. I
did manage to kill the Teutonic Warlord when he moved in to finish off my sole
Hearthguard unit (the highlight of the game for the Pagans). I found using
small 6-man units to be effective early in the game but they wear-down quickly,
losing valuable Saga dice and costing victory points.
Overall, the game played fast (~ 2 hours) and with little
reference to the main rulebook. The tough decision making aspect revolved
around allocation of Saga dice and ‘understanding’ the special abilities of
each faction. We liked the differentiation these abilities introduce but the
lack of Teutonic Levy and lack of dense Pagan terrain meant that neither side
could fully utilise their ability boards. We look forward to repeating the
conflict using different faction make-up’s and different scenario structures.