A very quick pre-Christmas report. Visited Val and Chris for
a celebratory lunch, but we managed to play a couple of games of Quadropolis
and then Catan. The first game of Quadropolis was the basic ‘vanilla’ version,
but we upped the stakes to the ‘expert’ level for the second game. The
introduction of a 5th sector plus addition of monuments and
skyscrapers increases the complexity of the game, but the enjoyment level
remains the same. So, I quite like the expansions but I don’t feel they add
much to an already good, enjoyable game, therefore I would stick with the basic
version for most games and only use the extras if you have more time to fill.
After lunch we turned to a ‘classic’ game i.e. Catan. It has been a while we
last played, but the rules quickly came back and resulted in a couple of tight
games. I think it is nice to revive old games every now and then, rather than
constantly bringing new shiney offerings to the table. Talking of shiney
offerings, Chris revealed that he has bought Twillight Imperium 4th
edition; not sure if or when this will be on the table – I would enjoy playing,
but it would not be the Elaine’s taste.
Anyway, Happy Christmas to everyone reading my
Merry Christmas, Mark!