Wild West
games have been a fringe interest throughout my wargaming past. The attraction
is obvious: A huge range of Hollywood Western movies; from the classic John
Wayne style, through the Clint Eastwood Spaghetti period, and now the Quentin
Tarentino releases. It is impossible to resist the classic shoot-out between goodies
and baddies on a dusty Western street at high noon, even though everyone knows
this rarely happened historically. The range of archetypal characters is so
wide; the silent killer, the town drunk, the gambler, the Mexican bandito, the
soiled dove, the bounty hunter etc. Surely the gaming possibilities are
enormous, it just requires a good set of rules to unleash the potential...
I first
played back in the mid-1970’s at my local club using 54mm figures supplied by
other club members. The rules we used were by Skirmish Wargames (M&P Blake,
I&L Colwill & G&B Rose, 1977) and these worked OK. They reflect
their time in the sense that they used percentile dice and had extensive tables
with numerous modifiers for calculating results of shooting, close combat, wounds
etc. Every weapon was detailed; a pistol was not just a pistol, instead it was
a particular model of Colt, which in turn differed from a Remington model. Players
could opt for more obscure weaponry e.g. Le Mat revolvers, ‘Bluntline’
specials, Derringers etc. Each model had assigned characteristics, and you had
to keep track of rounds fired, wounds received etc. The result was a slow paced
gaming experience. An afternoon of play could see your model(s) moving 20
yards, firing a couple of ineffective shots, receiving a light left leg wound,
before ducking back behind some barrels. Even worse was being taken out by a
lucky long range shot early in the game and then sitting out the rest of the
session! I did explore a second set of rules, Boot Hill, by Brian Blume & Gary
Gygax (TSR, 1975) which were slightly simpler but still revolved around
percentile dice rolls. They were better for stand-up shoot outs because they
used an initiative system that allowed a fast draw gunslinger to gun down
multiple opponents before they could get their guns out of their holsters!
The main
inhibitor to developing a Western gaming set-up was the scale (54mm) and
availability of scenery. I am not a great builder when it comes to making my
own buildings or scenery. Over the intervening years I did buy some 25/28mm
figures, all from B&B stalls, and I did put together some paper buildings,
which were for a smaller scale (20mm) and were solid (no interior access).
These figures and buildings (pictured above) did see some gaming, but this was
rare mainly because the rules played too slow. I wanted a fast paced, Hollywood
style of game.