We have not played Dungeon Petz for ages and have never
tried the Dark Alleys expansion, which I received for my birthday. During the
week Elaine and I tried the game/expansion to refresh our knowledge. We are not
convinced the 2-player version works particularly well; it just seems a bit
clunky and takes too long to finish. Anyway, we played again, using the Dark
Alleys, when Val and Chris visited this weekend, and the 4-player game is much
better. Chris emerged as the clear winner.
I have a mixed view about Dark Alleys: Some elements simply
expand the base game (extra cages, add-ons, artefacts, customers and
competitions), but the best additions are the large range of additional
monsters! A major flaw in the base game is the limited number of Petz
available. I think these new Petz are really good and quirky, especially the
House Vampire and My Little Pony. The alternative turn tracker is OK and I
doubt we will ever play the extended game tracker. The Black Market board works
with 4-players, allowing all players the chance to buy a Pet in the first turn
(solving another criticism of the base game). No-one has yet bought the
Bodyguard, nor the extra add-on or artefact, but the food and cage options are
good. The ‘slug-shop’ is fine and was used, as was the ‘fortune teller’ when
things got tight. The ‘industrial zone’ was not used by most players, but I can
see it could be useful. Overall, I don’t think Dark Alleys is an ‘essential’
expansion and I don’t think it will always feature in our game sessions, but it
is worth getting simply to add those important extra monster options.
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