Boardgame session: 29Oct2016
The game rules are simple and all players
quickly got into the swing of things – a good combination of honesty and lying
by all. This is very much a game of bluff, with a nice mix of bribery added. I
think all players could improve their bribes, we tended to stick to simple cash
offers rather than use goods or promises. Somehow no-one ever seems to believe
Elaine, so her bag was nearly always searched! I don’t think lying comes
naturally to her, and I feel she could exploit this trait to force the sheriff
to pay out for legal shipments. As I originally surmised when I first
encountered this game; Erin would be a good player. When the final points were
tallied, Erin won with a 20 point lead over myself. Gill was third and Elaine
trailed, but not by much. Having a lead in chickens, together with a few high
value smuggled goods, seemed to be the key to Erin’s success. All players
enjoyed the game and predicted that it would get many more plays.
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