Over the festive period I managed to play a few solo games
of Legends of the High Seas (LoHS), plus a couple of opposed games. So, what
are my thoughts about this set of rules?
The rules themselves are reasonably simple and use
mechanisms that will be familiar to anyone who has played other GW products. All
figures have the usual statistics you expect for GW rule sets, together with
special rules for the ‘Heroes’ of which ever faction you are playing. All my
games pitted at Pirate faction against a Privateer faction. I limited each
faction to 2 Hero characters; a Captain and a Mate. The remaining dozen figures
aside were ‘Henchmen’, split 50:50 between the two types allowed for each
faction. The figures were randomly assigned from those in my collection and
were armed in a variety of ways as modelled. Hero characters have 2 additional
statistics, Fame and Fortune. Fame can be used to modify dice rolls, whilst
Fortune can be used to recover wounds.
The first phase in each game turn was a dice off for
initiative (a simple opposed D6 roll). Movement is very simple, a standard 6”,
but a key rule is the zone of control (ZOC) which prevents enemy figures from
bursting through your defence line. There are also rules for jumping, climbing
and swinging which saw considerable usage in my first solo game; a boarding
action. A couple of pirate figures did end up in the drink after failing to
cross the gap between the ships (one drowned, whilst the other spent the rest
of game swimming around the ship to climb back on board). The next phase is
firing. This is a very simple process, rolling equal or more than the figures
firing statistic to hit. If the target is behind cover then a saving roll is
made. Then the weapons strength is compared to the targets defence stat to
determine whether a wound is caused. This did seem strange: Why would a pirate cut-throat
be more immune to a musket ball than other henchmen? Also I could not see why
the Wound Chart was so large with Weapon and Defence values of 10+, when no
basic weapon had a value greater than 3 (swivel guns and grenade are 5), and no
characters had a higher defence than 5. Reloading black powder weapons required
a whole turn. There were rules for miss-fires but these occur on a score of 1
(which is a miss anyway), and require a turn to clear (same as reloading), so
rather pointless. Figures that are potentially hit, but fail to get a wound,
test their Courage: if they fail then they move away from the enemy or take cover.
Courage tests also apply when the faction reaches 50% casualties, or if you
wish to engage a ‘Fearsome’ character. The combat phase is again simple:
opposed D6 dice rolls made for figures involved. The higher score wins, pushes
back opponent 1”, and then dices on the Wound table to inflict damage (compare
Strength versus Defence statistics). All very simple and luck driven, the main
tactical advantages can be obtained by attempting to get numerical advantages
in individual combats, and/or backing opponents into a corner.
So, as a set of
combat skirmish rules then I think these work OK but they are very heavily
dominated by luck rather than tactical forethought. The rules play rapidly and
are enjoyable, but the luck element starts to grate, even after only 4 games.
To be fair I don’t think I am using the rules for the task they were designed
for. These rules are clearly meant to be used in more of a role playing setting
with different crews playing linked scenarios and within a developing
storyline. The campaign part of the rules is extensive, well written and full
of good ideas. Developing your lead character, gaining skills and equipment,
replenishing your crew, recruiting specialist hired hands and undertaking
different missions are the core of this rule set. There are profiles for some
of the more infamous historic pirates (e.g. Blackbeard etc.) for you to include
in games. There is also all the chrome needed to generate piratical atmosphere;
if you want a talking parrot, or a pet monkey, then the cost and rules are
included. The rules also include a ship-to-ship section, which I have not
looked at in any detail.
To conclude, I think LoHS is perfect for a role playing
campaign involving a group of players willing to maintain the storyline for a
substantial period of time. The tabletop action is almost secondary to the
campaign, and requires a quick, clear result to allow the narrative to progress.
The initial crews need to be fairly small and loaded with characters because
henchmen are cheap cannon-fodder that can be replenished. LoHS are a must buy
if you are considering a pirate campaign, even if you chose not to use the
combat rules themselves! They are packed with ideas and background, and the
photos of games are inspirational. In contrast, if you are looking for rules to
cover stand alone, one off games involving 20-30 figures a side then I’m not
sure if these are the rules to go for. They certainly work and give a fast
paced game, but I feel they revolve too much around luck, particularly in close
combat situations. In none of the games that I have played have I felt I was
placed in a dilemma concerning decision making. I generally just got stuck in
and trusted to the dice gods! May be this is a good reflection of piratical
action but I’m not sure that it provides a great gaming experience, and would
become tedious if repeated often. LoHS will not be relegated to the attic but
will remain on my bookshelf as a source of ideas, even if they are not played
as a set of active rules.
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